Additive Manufacturing Singapore: What Is It And How Does It Work?

The method of constructing an item one layer-by-layer is known as additive manufacturing. It is the inverse of subtractive, which includes reducing aside a solid block of material till the finished product is finished. This was referred to as fast prototyping since it permitted people to quickly generate a model consisting of the eventual object without the classic initial setup and costs related to creating a prototype. Although additive manufacturing singapore is hard to replace traditional manufacturing, it offers distinct advantages that have earned it a place in the work involvement.

How does it work?

Someone first must create a design before using additive manufacturing to establish an object. This is generally conducted through the use of computer-aided design, CAD, apps or by scanning the object to be printed. The design is then translated into a layer-by-layer structure for the additive manufacturing device to obey. This will be sent to the 3-D printing, which quickly begins generating the item.

Benefits of additive manufacturing

There are some significant benefits to additive manufacturing. Traditional manufacturing could take several months and necessitate an asset of millions and billions of dollars, which could only be retrieved through increased production. Most of the steps along the way in the distribution chain are eliminated with additive manufacturing. That barrier is removed by additive manufacturing.


Additive manufacturing also facilitates the production of small quantities of something. Small lots are not reasonably priced in traditional manufacturing due to initial cost. However, because expenses are recognized and are still mostly removed with additive manufacturing, producing only a few items becomes much more feasible.